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How to practice yoga in a hotel room

Staff Writer

Yoga can be practiced by anyone, any time, anywhere - even in cramped hotel rooms!

It’s all about getting creative with your practice and utilizing the space that you do have. No space to lay your mat? No problem!

In this post, we’re going to look at the different ways that you can practice yoga in your hotel room, as well as some of the best poses to practice in small spaces.

Where to practice yoga in a hotel room

The ideal place to practice yoga is on your yoga mat - but sometimes when traveling we don’t have that option. That doesn’t mean that you have to skip your practice for your entire stay.

If your hotel room is too small for your yoga mat - or if you didn’t have the space to bring it with you -, practice standing poses.

Here is a simple standing-pose routine that will help you to stretch out and nourish your entire body:

Forward fold - stand with feet hip-width apart before folding at the waist.

Standing side stretch - reach your arms overhead and then over to one side.

Open the chest - clasp your hands behind you, pull them away, and gently nod the head up and down

Tree pose - bring the sole of your foot to the inner thigh or calf of the opposite leg.

Eagle arms - cross your elbows, lift the hands, and then let the back of the hands or the palms meet.

Standing figure-4 pose (or half chair) - bring one ankle to rest on the opposite knee, then bend the knees as though you’re going to sit back onto a chair.

Another wonderful place to practice yoga in your hotel room is on your bed!



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